Ferrit monorailCovid-Resilient Operations Mining Equipment Mining technology 

Benefits tailor-made by Ferrit

Ferrit is the Czech company, which is on the worldwide market, more than 27 years. During this period, we have installed more than 5 000 products worldwide. Among of our main territories belongs Russia, Poland and China, but we are targeting also to other continents like Africa, Australia etc.

Ferrit’s portfolio covers all types of mining transport which is suspended monorail, railbound and wheel transport. To ensure the transport of people, material and ore, or coal in the conditions of ore mines and coal mines, with the risk of gas explosion, or in underground construction during the construction of tunnels or underground collectors.

The key factor for successful mine operation is transport of people and material. The most used transporting equipment around the world is wheeled and monorail transport.

All mining managers know, that it’s not easy to keep the mine in operation all the time. Every mine during the extension can have a problems. It can be problems with traffic density, number of transporting units, air pollution, noise and higher risk of injures in the mine. Then is logical that total operating costs is rising up!

Thanks to our know-how, and also our specialists and their innovative approach, we bring our customers new modern solutions and technologies that go hand in hand with high-quality processing of our products.

Ferrit have solution where we can bring our costumer savings around 1 mil. dollars per year. But how to reduce costs? How it can be possible? Because of transport systems and projects Made by Ferrit, where you can get Optimization of mining transport systems directly tailored made for you. Ask yourself for a main question, why to use 40 transporting units when 20 is enough?

How, we are doing it? We will ask you, about first input data and based on it we prepare preliminary project and preliminary calculation of savings for you. If is all ok and you are happy with it then we will visit your mine. After visit maybe we can ask you for some more questions and then we prepare final project with final savings. After all of it, the project starts to be alive.

As part of the solution of projects for the optimization of mining transport systems, we process projects that are always tailored to specific mining conditions and customer requirements. Thanks to the experience of our specialists, we bring our customers highly efficient transport systems that ensure fast and reliable supply of all mining sites, while we can minimize operating costs, increase work safety and ensure minimum mine air pollution.

So what you can get? Annual savings 1 or more mil dollars per year, more efficiency operation underground and also on surface, higher safety in the mine, innovative technologies and last but no least New transport system in your mine and satisfied miners. So, why don’t try it?

Website: www.ferrit.cz


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